General overview + disclaimer(s)

This site was created by medical students who are passionate about free, open access medical education (“FOAM”) as a modality for improving medical learning. The content of this site is our effort to translate what we have learned, while we can remember what it was like to not know it, into something engaging that might help to contextualize what students are learning from textbooks and in the classroom. Our podcast episodes aren’t meant to replace the resources students already use, rather they are meant to situate each and draw linkages between them.

It is important to note that this web site if not affiliated with or funded by any College or School of Medicine. It is entirely an independent labor, and its creators are solely responsible for its content.

A bit more about each of us.

We are members of the Class of 2021 at a US medical school, and although the content of this site has been developed with our school’s curriculum in mind, our hope is that it can be a useful resource for medical students everywhere.

Addie → is a non-traditional student who found medicine after first building a career as a documentary filmmaker. Addie is particularly interested in health equity and the social determinants of health. Practicing medicine offers a unique opportunity to be both a caregiver and advocate for the most vulnerable in our society. Following this passion has led Addie down the path of matching into emergency medicine.

Kim → studied Neurobiology and Psychology in undergrad and worked at a fertility clinic afterwards. She is a self-proclaimed idealist (sometimes to a fault) and is passionate about building a more just society. She plans to match into OB/Gyn.

Alex → spent his time before medical school studying philosophy at three different universities, working as an EMT in New Orleans, and doing search and rescue for the National Park Service. After getting sick of having to hike all night to get to his patients he decided to go to medical school. He is interested in pre-hospital emergency care, wilderness medicine, and plans to go into emergency medicine.


If you’d like to reach out to us, you can send an email to the first name you see above at the domain you are viewing this website on.